Home Health & Fitness Exercise A New Year… A New You?

A New Year… A New You?

A New Year… A New You?
Saturday Community Co-ed Workout at Kayotic Fitness – Eastern Shore, Daphne, Ala.

By Dr. Sandra Geringer |

How are those New Year’s resolutions going for everybody? Yes, I am one of those… this year I am going to eat healthier, this year I will exercise more, this year I’m fulfilling… and so on…

Well, here we are at the end of January and, let’s just say, my enthusiasm has already dwindled a bit. Work gets challenging at times, responsibilities pop up that you weren’t expecting, life happens. What tends to be the first thing you lose time for… you. I teach a recreation and leisure course here at the United States Sports Academy and this is the epitome of “do what I teach and not as I do.”

 Let’s take a look at what leisure and recreation actually entail:

“For the Athenians, leisure was the highest value of life, and work the lowest. Since the upper classes were not required to work, they were free to engage in intellectual, cultural, and artistic activity” (McLean & Hurd, 2015, p. 32). Ahh, the good ol’ days. However, in modern philosophies, leisure has been simplified to “occurring only in time that is not devoted to work” (McLean & Hurd, p. 32).

Recreation stems from the Latin word recreatio, which means refreshes or restores (McLean & Hurd). Historically, recreation was regarded as a period of light and restful activity, voluntarily chosen, that permits one to regain energy after heavy work and to return to work renewed. Today, this view lacks acceptability for two reasons: First, work has become less physically demanding. Individuals are becoming mentally and physically engaged in their recreation than in their work. Second, the basis of the original definition is intended to restore one for work which does not cover the individuals who do not work, but need recreation to make their lives meaningful.

Besides playing tennis, circuit training has become an activity that seems to provide me with the results that I seek that encompass my so called New Year’s resolutions.

I registered for a Six Weeks to Slim Challenge at Kayotic Fitness – Eastern Shore in Daphne, Ala. The sessions consist of 35-40 minute coach led high intensity interval training which focuses on strength and endurance for a full-body workout. While speaking with Kay Warren, Owner and Coach of Kayotic Fitness – Eastern Shore, she mentioned that 80% of resolutions fail by mid-February. This stems from lack of accountability, motivation, and direction.

At Kayotic Fitness – Eastern Shore, all workouts are designed and customized specifically for women to burn calories and fat, to tone, and improve overall strength. When the coach on duty demonstrates the moves, I think to myself – how will I be able to do that? But, there are always modifications to the exercises and once you get past your brain, it is amazing what your body can do. We are stronger than we think!

Coach Kay believes that, “yes, for some, I can see how my trainings could fall under recreation.” As do I, recreation is redefining itself. Hence, “a modern, holistic view of work and recreation would be that both have the potential for being pleasant, rewarding, and creative and that both may represent serious forms of personal involvement and deep commitment” (McLean & Hurd, p. 38). If I can remember this, this year will result in a better me, not necessarily a new me!

The following contributed to this content:

Kayotic Fitness – Eastern Shore. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.kayoticwomensfitness.com/

McLean, D.D., & Hurd, A.R. (2015). Kraus’ recreation and leisure in modern society (10th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Dr. Sandra Geringer is the Director of Recreation Management and Sports Studies at the United States Sports Academy. 


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