MRSA - Attacking Athletes Everywhere
The Attack
Athletes are facing an attack from a new competitor. This competitor can be deadly. This competitor is called MRSA – methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria -commonly known as “Staph Infection”.
It seems that athletes have other opponents to contend with and they are not athletes from an opposing team. This nasty bacteria does not respond to commonly prescribed antibiotics and attacks the body fast. According to infectious-disease experts from the CDC – these germs are as tough and resilient as the athletes they attack.
Some of the sports most heavily hit by this attack are the contact sports that are often plagued by skin abrasions such as football, wrestling and rugby. But this infection can be found across the board in ALL sports.
The key to management and protection is early recognition and prevention thru proper education. Coaches need to learn what to look for and how to help protect their athletes. Athletes need to report skin infections and abnormal findings to their athletic healthcare providers. The majority of the MRSA cases are routine skin infections that can be easily treated. Problems occur when the infections are misdiagnosed or disregarded and never treated.
Management & Prevention
Keep all equipment clean.
Utilize clean workout gear and clothing every time you engage in physical activity.
Maintain personal hygiene and keep skin clean; especially cuts and scrapes.
Clean skin injuries with soap and water – try to stay away from topical ointments.
Watch signs of infection: redness, inflammation, swelling and point tenderness to the skin. Also watch for fever and stomach pain.
Athletes should report all skin abrasions and infections to their athletic healthcare team for immediate care.