Home Ethics Sociology Superman Curl

Superman Curl

Superman Curl
Photo: Leonid Mamchenkov / Flickr

To get on in today’s world of sports, and recreation, and tourism business…it seems we must do more than wear our hair with a certain style, or rely on past success. The formula for success includes, at least in part, a blend of the beauty of traditional, or expected things, and the freshness of innovation.

It would seem this goes without saying, yeah? Well, ok. I’m not saying then. I’m reminding:

Push your boundaries! Try new things! Meet new people! Escape the madness! Practice your smile! Believe in things you’ve never seen! Go to places where no one else has been!

Break out your Superman Curl!

At least try it on…and then, maybe…

Fall in love with it every day.

Sports and recreation are common vehicles for this – the reaching within ourselves to find the ability to do what we may have never before imagined. This is part of the value of sports and recreation – they foster escape from the mundane, a redefinition of the routine, and a recalibration of our systems, both intellectually, and physically, and often in other ways too – like, perhaps emotionally, or socially. While this recalibration may not guarantee success, it can certainly be indicative of progress toward success – no matter how you define it.

New success requires that we continually re-invent ourselves – now, more than ever, this means doing – being – pursuing – promoting – and, crafting further…innovation. Sports and recreation business enterprises – either commercial or academic –  in the coming days, months and years – effectively, of tomorrow, shall we say…will not be able to exist without innovation.

So, c’mon yous – break out your Superman Curl!

By Dr. Rodney J. Blackman

Dr. Rodney J. Blackman is the Chair of Recreation Management at the United States Sports Academy, and can be reached at rblackman@ussa.edu.


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